Pluggable installations for tallest ‘hybrid’ timber building in the Netherlands

9 oktober 2023Time to read: 2 minutes

Text: Lieke Bousema | Visuals: Isolectra

HAUT: unique in architecture and sustainability

With the completion of HAUT, Amsterdam has gained a sustainable icon. Between 2020 and 2022, an extraordinary residential tower was built on the Amstel river, which, with a height of 73 metres and a construction of concrete, steel and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT), can call itself the tallest ‘hybrid’ wooden building in the Netherlands. In total, some 2,800 m³ of wood was used, storing over 2,500 tonnes of CO2. This is equivalent to the annual emissions of some 400 households! Moreover, HAUT is the first residential building with a BREEAM ‘Outstanding’ rating. HAUT features solar panels in the façade and on the roof, green roof gardens, some 100 bird nests, smart home automation as well as innovative installations. Isolectra’s pluggable installations match this perfectly.

Commissioned by contractor J.P. van Eesteren, SDR Elektrotechniek took care of the engineering and assembly of all electrical installations in HAUT’s 52 owner-occupied flats, general areas and car park. From the point of view of revitalisation and reusability and at the request of developer Lingotto, most of the installations in the flats and common areas are pluggable, says Frans van Loon, Account Manager at Isolectra. “From the ABB group boxes to the cables for lighting, KNX switches and socket outlets. Here, the Wieland GST18® and KNX BST14® systems were used.”

Clearly coded
In consultation with SDR Elektrotechniek, the connecting cables for the houses were clearly coded and delivered to the project in clear dwelling-specific sets (kits). “The codes exactly matched the assembly drawings, group boxes and wall outlets, allowing the fitters to install quickly and without errors”, according to Van Loon. “Technische Unie was responsible for the just-in-time delivery of all residential kits, while ABB pre-assembled the Wieland chassis parts for the splitter boards. And the Busch-Jaeger switchgear was also pre-fitted with Wieland components, which allowed quick and 100% pluggable installation.”

Flexible and sustainable
Choosing 100% pluggable installation means choosing 100% flexibility and sustainability. Because the installations are easy to disassemble and reassemble, any changes can be made easily. Moreover, at the end of the building life, the pluggable technologies can be reused elsewhere. “Production and assembly take place in the factory, under the best working and climatic conditions, minimising waste and reducing material wastage”, says Van Loon. “Thus, pluggable installation also contributes to the ecological sustainability of a project.”

National Environmental Database
Recently, Isolectra’s Wieland pluggable installations were included in the National Environmental Database. Architects, consultants, installers and other stakeholders who prescribe and apply Wieland GST18® and RST20® pluggable installation systems in their projects can use the data from the National Environmental Database to make effective product comparisons. But also to calculate and even lower the sustainability and environmental performance of their buildings

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