Pluggable installation suits prefab construction trends

Published on 7 december 2022 5 October 2023Time to read: 4 minutes

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Text: Lieke Bousema | Visuals: Isolectra 

Construction is modernising considerably. The huge housing shortage, the shortage of technically skilled personnel, limited space on construction sites, as well as ambitious climate goals, require new ways of thinking and working, focusing on sustainability and efficiency. Prefab construction plays into this in the best possible way. This innovative construction method means residential and office buildings are assembled in the factory under the best climatic and working conditions. This increases the speed and quality of construction. Additionally, circular and remountable construction is possible. Prefab installations fit seamlessly within this concept, according to its creators. But what is prefab installation anyway? And what are the major benefits in terms of construction speed, manpower shortages and sustainability?

Prefab construction (or: prefabrication) is a process in construction whereby materials are pre-assembled in a factory or workshop into ready-made elements that are easy to transport, hoist and fit. The elements are transported to the construction site at exactly the right time, where they only need to be connected like Lego bricks. Prefab construction is possible for walls, floors, roofs and façade elements, and the like. Bathrooms and toilet areas are also increasingly coming from prefab factories. The same applies to installation components such as air ducts, piping systems and energy distribution systems. Here, it’s even possible to prefabricate the entire process from the distributors to the switches, lighting points and sensors! Because the electrical cabling and components are connected in advance and can be easily connected with plugs, we also call this pluggable installation.

By integrating pluggable installation into the prefab construction process, installers, contractors and end users benefit from:
Efficiency and speed: Pluggable installations reduce construction and installation time as the plugs can be easily and quickly connected. This results in faster project delivery.
Flexibility: If you choose 100% pluggable installation, you choose 100% flexibility. Because the installations are easy to disassemble and reassemble, any changes can be made easily. Moreover, at the end of the building life, the pluggable technologies can be reused elsewhere.
Cost savings: Thanks to rapid installation and reduction of installation errors and failure costs, pluggable installations help reduce overall construction costs.
Sustainability: Production and assembly take place in the factory, under the best working and climatic conditions. This leads to less waste and reduced wastage of materials, contributing to the environmental sustainability of a project.
Quality control: Production under controlled conditions also ensures higher quality and reliability of the installations.
Fewer people: As the number of operations – especially electrotechnical – on the construction site is significantly reduced, fewer technically skilled personnel are needed.
Working safely: Fewer operations and fewer people increases safety on construction sites.

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Our prefabricated systems: Wieland GST18® and Wieland RST20®
Both the Wieland GST18® and the Wieland RST20® pluggable installation systems are well-suited to prefab construction systems. Wieland GST18® is the original and most widely used pluggable system in the Netherlands for both residential and non-residential construction. Excellent availability, a broad portfolio and the very best quality are important reasons for choosing GST18®.

To experience the benefits of pluggable installation in wet construction, too, Isolectra additionally supplies the IP66/68/69k waterproof RST20® system. The special cables and connectors of this system are so durable and reliable that they are the only ones in the market certified to be cast directly, without conduits, into precast concrete walls and concrete floors.

Certified maintenance-free
The Wieland GST18® and RST20® systems are certified maintenance-free. This is important because it allows them to be used in non-accessible places. For example, Wieland makes it possible to create a connection in a hollow wall, floor or ceiling and even cast connections in precast concrete walls or screeds! This puts us in line with all prefab construction trends.

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Sustainable and circular
Recently, Isolectra’s Wieland pluggable installations were included in the National Environmental Database. Architects, consultants, installers and other stakeholders who prescribe and apply Wieland GST18® and RST20® pluggable installation systems in their projects can use the data from the National Environmental Database to make effective product comparisons. But also to calculate and even lower the sustainability and environmental performance of their buildings. In agreement with Isolectra, it is possible to return Wieland GST18® and RST20®.

Want to know more? Contact us.  

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