Anniversary celebration at Wieland Electric

10 juli 2023Time to read: 1 minute

Wieland Electric GmbH and Isolectra BV have already been working together closely for 50 years. In July 2023, Wieland and Isolectra celebrated their 50-year partnership in Bamberg with an anniversary event. 

On 2 July 1973, Dr Friedrich Wieland and Mr Pieter de Joode signed a contract that marked the beginning of a close and intensive collaboration between the two companies.

“50 years of working together is a uniquely long period for such collaboration. And the length and success of this collaboration is only possible because the two partners work so closely together and put a lot of time and effort into maintaining that relationship”, says Arnoud Fial, CFO Isolectra BV, about the close cooperation between the two companies.

The anniversary celebrations included workshops, factory tours and a sightseeing trip around the city. During the main event in the Wieland Electric GmbH showroom, symbolic gifts were exchanged and the cooperation so far was reviewed.

The collaboration between Wieland and Isolectra combines Wieland’s innovative solutions with Isolectra’s market expertise and stimulates growth and success in the field of electrical installation. The companies work together closely, especially in the construction sector. Modular construction is becoming increasingly popular as it saves not only time, but also money and resources. This calls for creative solutions in the field of pluggable electrical installation. But both companies also benefit from their close interaction when it comes to horticulture, as growing food in humid greenhouses poses a special challenge for electrical systems. In June 2023, Wieland and Isolectra joined together as solution providers at GreenTech in Amsterdam – one of the biggest trade fairs for the horticultural sector. The two companies plan to continue working closely together in future and make even greater mutual progress in the field of electrical installation.

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