2012 Building Decree replaced by Environment Buildings Decree (BBL)

Published on 7 december 2022 6 February 2024Time to read: 2 minutes

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As of 1 January 2024, the Building Decree 2012 has been replaced by the BBL, Environment Buildings Decree. This affects the choice of fire and smoke classification of electrical cabling, especially when remodelling.

Environment Buildings Decree (BBL)
The Environment Buildings Decree that came into force on 1 January 2024 contains rules on the fire classification of electrical cables. A distinction is made between existing construction, new construction and rebuilding.

New construction according to the BBL
Section 4.2.7 Limiting the development of fire and smoke
Article 4.45a subsection 1 refers to the fire classes specified in table 4.42 in accordance with NEN-EN 13501-6 for electrical cabling.
Article 4.45a subsection 1 requires smoke class S1 for cabling adjacent to indoor air in extra protected escape routes, and smoke class S2 in other areas. This results in requirements for the fire class and smoke class of electrical cabling as per the table below.

tabel bbl.png

Construction according to the BBL
Section 5.3 Rebuilding, Article 5.12 states that when remodelling is carried out, Article 4.45a also applies. Consequently, as of 2024, according to the BBL, the same requirements apply for conversion as for new construction! Cabling in accordance with the above table must therefore also be used when rebuilding!

Existing construction according to the BBL
No specific provisions for electrical cabling are given for this purpose.
Section 3.2.7, Article 3.35 indicates that fire classes according to NEN6065 can be equated with the euro fire classes according to NEN-EN 13501 and that for a smoke density of 10m or 5.4m according to NEN6066 smoke class S2 and fire classes 1 = B2ca, 2 = Cca, 3 = Cca and 4 = Dca can be assumed.


  • From 1 January 2024, the Building Decree 2012 has been replaced by the BBL
  • Whereas the 2012 Building Decree only named situations for existing construction and new construction, the BBL has the situations Existing Construction, New Construction and Rebuilding
  • In terms of the fire safety of cabling, this affects the type of cables used when rebuilding existing buildings
  • For new construction, nothing changes compared to the 2012 Buildings Decree amendment of 1 June 2020
  • When rebuilding, cables must now meet the same requirements as for new construction
  • In contact with indoor or outdoor air, the use of Eca cables is therefore no longer permissible even during rebuilding!

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