Which GST18 connector do you use to connect a cooker in a kitchen?

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Which GST18 connector do you use to connect a cooker in a kitchen?

Answer: This depends on the type of cooker and the installation. Some cookers may be connected in several ways. Please refer to the instructions for use. The following options apply:

  • 2-group cooker on a so-called Cooking Group (L1,N1,PE,L2,N2): GST18i35 green
  • Three-phase cooker (L1,L2,L3,PE,N) on a three-phase system (L1,L2,L3,PE,N): GST18i5 black
  • Two-phase cooker (L1,L2,PE,N) on a three-phase system (L1,L2,L3,PE,N): GSt18i4 black
  • Single-phase cooker (L,PE,N) on a three-phase system (L1,L2,L3,PE,N): GST18i3 black
  • Single-phase cooker (L,PE,N) on a single-phase system (L,PE,N): GST18i3 black