Circular installation with Isolectra

Published on 7 december 2022 29 March 2023 Reading time : 5 minutes

Circular Installation

Isolectra's pluggable Wieland GST® and Wieland RST® installations were included in the Dutch Environmental Database in January of 2023 with an article 1 product sheet. What does that mean for circular installation?

Circular economy

To prevent us from further exhausting our planet's scarce resources and to mitigate the impact of our consumption behaviour, we want to make our society more sustainable. Instead of being thrown out, items are recycled or - better yet - reused, as this eliminates the need to convert discarded products back into usable (secondary) raw materials. In other words, (raw) materials are used in a circular manner. Our government's target is to achieve a 50% circular economy by 2030 and a 100% circular economy by 2050.
The construction sector is set to be an important player in the circular economy. The environmental impact of buildings is to be reduced through the use of sustainable materials.

10R model

When we think about using materials sustainably, recycling is often one of the first things to come to mind. Recycling involves collecting used items and reusing their raw materials for the production of new products, so they don't end up as waste. However, there are far more sustainable options, especially for technical construction materials. These options are clearly presented and classified in the 10R circularity model developed by professor Jaqueline Cramer of Utrecht University. In order of desirability, they are: Refuse, Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Repair, Refurbish, Remanufacture, Repurpose, Recycle and Recover.

Isolectra's pluggable installations are designed to be categorised as high as possible in this 10R model:

Rethink: we use an alternative installation topology to save on e.g. cable length.

Reduce: we use fewer materials, no ducts, fewer junction boxes, etc.

Reuse: after use and recertification, our pluggable installation products can be reused.

Repair: where possible, we can repair malfunctioning power lines.

Recycle: anything that is not repaired or reused will be recycled to minimise waste production.

Dutch Environmental Database

Taken together, the environmental impact of all construction products used in a building determines its environmental performance. The independent Dutch Environmental Database (NMD) was introduced to easily calculate the environmental performances of buildings (MPG). This database is used to collect the environmental data of construction products. To gather these data, a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) is conducted. For every phase of a construction product's life cycle - from extraction of the raw materials to production and demolition - the environmental impact is determined. For example, the exhaustion of natural resources and the emission of toxic substances. To guarantee the independence nature of the information, LCAs are assessed by an NMD-accredited expert before they can be included in the database. These data can then be used for MPG calculations.

Environmental Performance Buildings

Conducting an MPG calculation is mandatory. The current standard is an MPG of 0.8, but this will be reduced to 0.5 over the next few years. Isolectra's pluggable Wieland installations contribute to a lower MPG because they score significantly better in this calculation than conventional installations.

Category 1 product sheet

Products are included in the NMD with a environmental declaration. There are several categories of environmental declarations sheets. An environmental declaration sheet with brand-specific data from the supplier grants the best scores for the environmental performance calculation.

Circular installation with Isolectra

Isolectra's pluggable installations are included in the NMD with a category 1 environmental declaration. This category 1 environmental declaration  is available for Isolectra's Wieland GST18®, suitable for use in dry environments (IP20), and for the RST20®, suitable for use in wet and contaminated conditions (IP69).
The category 1 environmental declaration sheet means that Isolectra's pluggable installations offer a greater reduction in the MPG calculation than conventional or other types of installations.

MIA / VAMIL interesting subsidies for circular construction

To stimulate the transition to a sustainable circular economy, the national government has provided subsidies via the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO). These subsidies are available to businesses that invest in the circular use of products, including building materials. The MIA and the VAMIL.
MIA is the environmental investment deduction, which allows parties to deduct up to 36% of the investment costs from their fiscal profit. This means a business has to pay less tax.
VAMIL is a provision that allows parties to depreciate environmental investments at any time. Combined with the MIA, this can lead to fiscal benefits.
Both subsidies are particularly interesting to real estate investors and therefore to the entire construction sector.
However, parties must be able to prove that they are using circular products in order to be eligible for these subsidies. This can be done by using products that are included in the NMD, the Dutch Environmental Database, with a product sheet.
Isolectra's pluggable installations, Wieland GST® and Wieland RST®, are the only ones to be included in the NMD. The category 1 environmental declaration sheet grants the highest reduction in the environmental performance (MPG) calculation and the possibility of receiving the MIA/VAMIL subsidies.

Certification of secondary products

Wieland GST® and RST® products are installation connections that meet the requirements of the NEN-EN-IEC EN61535 standard.
This standard signifies that these installation connections are only intended to be connected and disconnected during their initial use or during the reconfiguration of the installation.
Additionally, the standard prescribes strict requirements that the installation connections and connectors have to meet. These requirements are far stricter than those for grounded plugs or appliance connectors. This is necessary because an installation connection may be exposed to high currents for extended periods of time, is generally installed out of sight and does not require inspection or maintenance. At the end of an installation's life cycle, the Wieland GST® and RST® products can be removed. Are they fit for reuse?
GST18® products have been in use for over thirty-five years. The load, temperature and environment all affect the electrical properties of the contacts. The statutory fire-safety requirements have been revised over time, which means not all types of GST18® cable are fit for reuse. It is important that the components are disassembled properly to avoid damaging the contacts.
Yes, GST® and RST® products can be reused, although they must first be tested and certified. This is done to assess the condition, age and fire-safety class of the products and to test and assess their electrical properties.
To that end, Isolectra makes return agreements with buyers - for new projects, but also for certain products that were delivered in the past. These products will be tested and certified. If they are demonstrably fit for reuse, they will be reintroduced on the market.

Consult a specialist

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